CNC Machines
Computer Numerical Control (CNC) is the most sophisticated form of automatic control of a machine tool. By Numerical Control of machine tools, it is easy to remove errors in production. Because of this, the cost of production is lowered and high quality is maintained. There is a great demand for CNC machine operators in industry. A good CNC operator is seldom without a job and can earn lucratively. At present most of the industrial work is carried out by those who have undergone the formal machine operator course. There is a good scope for employment in the field of engineering. The Institution offers a high-tech training course which covers the major portion of the formal government course. Not only the relevant theory portions are given but also the practical proficiency by better equipment training. The practical aspects are given more emphasis.
To train the students in this method a CNC machine (Lobor 180, Turn Mill Center) was inaugurated on Friday, 10th August 2007 by Rev. Bro. Dhanaraj the Provincial superior of Trichy Province.
And a CNC Milling Machine (MORI SEIKI, MV Junior S/N 232) was inagurated on Wednesday 25th March 2009 by Rev. Bro. Dhanaraj the Provincial superior of Trichy Province and was blessed by Rev. Fr .A. Gabriel, Parish Priest of Manaparai.